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Personal Injury

Smith Sovik may selectively pursue serious personal injury cases.  Over the past ten years, we have obtained tens of millions of dollars in settlements/verdicts for our clients all over the State of New York.

As an academic psychiatrist there are numerous occasions during which challenging clinical cases appear...one such case, for me, resulted in a NYS Justice Center investigation in which I was alleged to have abused and/or neglected a patient due to the use of a behavioral contract...quite fortunately, my legal representation was adroitly provided by Kevin Hulslander a partner at the Smith Sovik firm. His knowledge and support were instrumental in my acquittal...this outcome is all the more astounding given the "low legal bar" the Justice Center must overcome...I am most fortunate, therefore, that my malpractice insurance carrier uses Mr. Hulslander's law firm.  

Defendant Psychiatrist